Manhattan Beach Middle School

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MCHS Drama Fall Productions

MCHS Drama Fall Productions

Two plays scheduled to be “staged” virtually November 6-14.

The Brothers Grimm Spectculathon, a hilarious merging of 209 different Brothers Grimm fairy tales. And an exciting original adaptation of Spoon River, based on Edgar Lee Masters Spoon River Anthology. This is the post mortem reflection of people from the town of Spoon River. Auditions are complete and both casts are rehearsing to put together performances that align with the high standards you have come to enjoy. In addition, our crew is creating innovative and technical ways to support these unique productions. Ticket information coming soon! Visit
Spoon River Nov. 7 @7, Nov.13 @7, Nov.14@7
The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon Nov.6@7, Nov.12@7, Nov.14@2

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