Manhattan Beach Middle School

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20-21 Grading Policy Parent Information Session

20-21 Grading Policy Parent Information Session
6/14/2021, 12:00 PM

 Here is information regarding the PHASE 1 implementation of BOARD POLICY RESOLUTION NO. 2021-11: GRADING POLICY AT MIRA COSTA HIGH SCHOOL - COVID 2020-2021. You can find more information surrounding this board policy by visiting THIS link.


Here is a summary of the resolution:

Students receiving any passing grade (A, B, C, or D) may opt to receive a P (Pass) instead of a letter grade on their transcript; this selection can be made on a course-by-course basis. A grade of P will have no impact on a student’s overall GPA and will satisfy MCHS graduation requirements. 


To View Final Grades from Semester 1:

  1. Log into your student or parent Aeries account:
  2. Click “Grades” on the side toolbar:
  3. Look at the “1st Sem” column to view the student’s actual earned letter grade.


We will be hosting two parent information sessions 

Meeting ID: 825 6309 5908

Passcode: mustang 


Aeries will be updated with final grades on 6/18/21. 


If, AFTER VIEWING THE FINAL SEMESTER 1 GRADE in Aeries, you would like to make a change, have your STUDENT fill out the MCHS FIRST SEMESTER PASSING GRADE REQUEST (only students with their MBUSDapps email account have access to make a change request). The deadline for making this choice is June 30th, you will NOT be able to make any changes to your 1st semester grades after this date. 


We will be providing more information on the process to request a passing grade “P” for the Semester 2 grades as we get closer to the end of the school year.

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